Monday Mentions – Reach – By Becky Robinson

A crucial part of becoming a better writer is becoming an avid reader. As I inch closer to publishing my first book, you might have noticed that more of my mentions are closely linked to becoming a published author. The materials I consume, including audiobooks, podcasts, and apps, have primarily been centered around first-time authors, content marketing, or something related. This week is clear evidence as I highlight the book Reach by Becky Robinson.

Reflecting On Reach

One big takeaway I drew from Becky’s book was defining the goal of my book. In Reach, Becky highlights fame, fortune, or impact/reach as motivators for writing a book. While earning a living off of my book sales would be fantastic, that is not my goal. I certainly do not anticipate any wealth coming from the sale of my book. Fame is so fleeting. It is not something I seek on my journey to publish my work.

My Goals For Publishing

Initially, I started out writing my book because I wanted to share my story in hopes of helping others struggling with fear and anxiety. I have also found it incredibly therapeutic. The longer I work on the book, the more my goals expand.

Check It Out

If you are new to Becky Robinson, I encourage you to check out her work. You can purchase her book Reach: Create the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause on Amazon or wherever you buy books. If you like to test the waters before purchasing, look at her company’s blog or her blog. If podcasting is more your style, check out, The Book Marketing Action Podcast podcast. Her book Reach has been a blessing as I learn more about publishing my book.

Connect With Becky Robinson

Company Website:
Purchase On Amazon: Reach: Create the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause
Podcast: The Book Marketing Action Podcast
Twitter: @BeckyRbnsn
Instagram: @beckyrbnsn
LinkedIn: @beckyrbnsn


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